
Insights and advice for improving web performance.

KeyCDN Launches New POP in South Africa

KeyCDN Launches New POP in South Africa

It's always an exciting time when we can announce that we're expanding our network to a new region. That's why today we're excited to announce that we're establishing our presence in Africa with a new point of presence (POP) in Johannesburg, South Africa! The new POP is now in production and has been automatically added to all existing Zones. POP in Johannesburg extends content delivery to South Africa Extending content delivery to South Africa has been on our radar for quite some time and we're happy to say that we're now present in the largest city of South Africa.

December 7, 2017 Read more
A Look at the Improvements That TLS 1.3 Brings

A Look at the Improvements That TLS 1.3 Brings

Nearly a decade has passed since the previous major encryption protocol update, yet the age of TLS 1.3 is finally upon us. Although it's still very new, the new TLS is already getting a lot of attention from web developers. In addition to being faster and more secure, TLS 1.3 has numerous other improvements over its predecessors. This guide will explain how developers can take full advantage of the features the latest version of TLS has to offer.

November 30, 2017 Read more

What Is HEIF and Will It Replace JPEG?

As we continue to capture and share images in our daily lives, we're always looking for ways to improve the quality and efficiency of our photos. One solution that has emerged in recent years is HEIF, or High Efficiency Image Format. But what is HEIF, and will it replace JPEG as the standard image format? What is HEIF? In summer 2017, Apple announced its plans to adopt the high efficiency image file format, or HEIF, as its standard format for all images going forward.

November 23, 2017 Read more

KeyCDN Launches New POP in Poland

KeyCDN is always on the lookout for ways to minimize latency and accelerate asset delivery worldwide. That's why today we're excited to announce that we're further improving our presence in Europe with the launch of our new point of presence (POP) in Warsaw, Poland! The new POP is now in production and has been automatically added to all existing Zones. POP in Warsaw extends content delivery to Poland Extending content delivery to Poland has been on our radar for some time and we're happy to say that we're now present in the capital of Poland - Warsaw.

November 16, 2017 Read more

Measuring Web Performance - Analyzing What Matters Most

Professional web performance management has become its own industry, and rightfully so, as performance is vital to improving conversion rates, user retention, and more. However, the process of measuring web performance can take many shapes and with all the web performance metrics available it can be confusing to know which ones you should be tracking. This guide will serve as an overview of the ways you should be measuring web performance as well as provide additional insight and tools to help improve your site's web performance.

November 9, 2017 Read more

18 Quick Tips for Improving AngularJS Performance

AngularJS is an open source JavaScript framework developed and maintained by Google. The tool provides everything you need to create and manage dynamic frontends for web applications. Its modular approach to web design and massive support community make AngularJS a popular tool among professional developers. In fact, AngularJS powers some of the web's most high traffic websites including Google and Virgin America. This guide will serve as an introduction to AngularJS and offer tips on how to improve AngularJS performance.

November 2, 2017 Read more

Speed up WordPress Gravatar Delivery with a CDN

Images often times account for the largest part of a website. Website maintainers may include an abundance of images in a single post and may not be aware of image optimization techniques, or that they are loading images from various third party sources. Whatever the reason, it's important to do all you can to accelerate the load time of these images so that users aren't left waiting longer than they should.

October 26, 2017 Read more

Comprehensive Node Version Manager (NVM) Tutorial

If you build Node.js applications, you may want to use different versions of Node. Fortunately, there is an easy way to install and manage them all from a single machine thanks to Node Version Manager. This guide covers all of the commands you need to know to start switching Node versions with no hassle. What is Node.js? Node.js is an open source JavaScript run-time environment used for making web servers and other networking tools.

October 19, 2017 Read more

Jenkins vs Travis - Comparing Two Popular CI Tools

Continuous integration is now common practice, but not all CI tools are created equally. To be more precise, certain CI tools are better suited for certain types of projects. This guide will compare two of the most popular CI tools, Jenkins and Travis CI, to help you decide which one is preferable in specific situations. What is continuous integration? Continuous integration, or CI, is the practice of integrating individual developers' code and making builds several times each day.

October 12, 2017 Read more

A 6 Part Introductory OpenSSL Tutorial

OpenSSL is among the most popular cryptography libraries. It is most commonly used to implement the Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security (SSL and TLS) protocols to ensure secure communications between computers. In recent years, SSL has become basically obsolete since TLS offers a higher level of security, but some people have gotten into the habit of referring to both protocols as SSL. Cryptography is tricky business, and OpenSSL has too many features to cover in one article, but this OpenSSL tutorial will help you get started creating keys and certificates.

October 5, 2017 Read more
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