
Insights and advice for improving web performance.

13 Tips to Speed up Magento Performance

13 Tips to Speed up Magento Performance

Magento, owned by Adobe, is a commonly used ecommerce platforms today that people to choose to grown their online business. In this post, we will discuss tips on how to speed up Magento performance to ensure you don't lose any sales due to high abandonment rate or an unsatisfying user experience. When it comes to choosing an ecommerce CMS or platform you have a lot of options. You could go with WooCommerce which is an extension of WordPress, Shopify, and a number of other ones.

October 15, 2015 Read more
Perceived Web Performance - What Is Blocking the DOM?

Perceived Web Performance - What Is Blocking the DOM?

When it comes to web performance and optimizing speeds on a page-level basis it is very important to understand the relationship between HTML and how a page is actually constructed in your browser, so that you can pinpoint delays in page loads due to render blocking. In this post, we will dig deeper into what is blocking the DOM and ways you can prevent it from happening. What is the DOM?

October 13, 2015 Read more

CDN SEO: Indexing Images in SERPs

SEO plays a very vital role when it comes to the success of your website, and a small part of that includes your images appearing in Google image search correctly. There is sometimes confusion about how a CDN handles images and so in this post we show you the best practices for indexing images in SERPs while using a content delivery network. Importance of images in SERPs From our experience, image search potential is always underestimated.

October 8, 2015 Read more

KeyCDN - HTTP/2 Support For All Customers

The next generation of the web is here! We are excited to announce that KeyCDN has officially launched support for HTTP/2 (as of October 6th, 2015), and it has been rolled out to all customers at no extra cost. As a content delivery network, our job is to speed up the delivery of resources all over the web, and HTTP/2 bring significant improvements in efficiency, speed and security. We have worked closely with various industry leaders and are proud to be among the first CDNs in the industry to implement HTTP/2 across our entire global network.

October 6, 2015 Read more

10 Tips on How to Speed up XenForo Forum

XenForo has brought a fresh outlook to forum software and is quickly becoming one of the most popular forum platforms around the globe. In this post, we will share with you techniques on ways you can speed up your XenForo forum to ensure fast load times for your visitors. What is XenForo? XenForo is a community forum software built on Zend Framework and was released in 2011. The software is developed and maintained by former vBulletin lead developers Kier Darby and Mike Sullivan.

October 1, 2015 Read more

CSS Preprocessors - Sass vs Less

There are three primary CSS preprocessors on the market today, Sass, Less, and Stylus. In this post, we will be comparing the two preprocessors which seem to be the most widely used among developers, Sass vs Less. By switching to a preprocessor can help streamline your development process. What is a CSS preprocessor? Writing CSS can become quite repetitive and little tasks such as having to look up hex color values, closing your tags, etc.

September 24, 2015 Read more

Case Study - Analyzing Web Font Performance

The number of websites using custom web fonts continues to grow at a rapid pace and this, in turn, affects the rendering speed of pages. Today we will compare some of the top web fonts and see how different delivery methods, such as serving from Google Fonts, hosting locally, and third parties, affect the overall load times. What are web fonts? Web fonts are those not installed on a person's computer, thereby having to load from a web server.

September 15, 2015 Read more

Smart Image Compression with Optimus WordPress Plugin

Utilizing image compression is one of the quickest ways to increase your page speed and minimize the total size of your pages. And because of that, the team at KeyCDN has developed a WordPress plugin, Optimus, which focuses on lossless compression of PNG images and slightly lossy compression of JPEG images. According to a 2022 report from HTTP Archive, on average, 45 percent of a website's page weight is made up of images.

September 9, 2015 Read more

Top Free Website Speed Test Tools

The speed of a website is critical to its success. As discussed in our content delivery network guide, faster loading websites can benefit from higher SEO rankings, higher conversion rates, lower bounce rates, longer visitor duration on site, better overall user experience, and engagement. You can take advantage of the many free website speed test tools available out there to achieve optimal performance. Google's ranking algorithm wants your site to load in less than a second.

September 7, 2015 Read more

Optimized HLS Streaming

Are you tired of buffering issues while streaming your favorite content online? Do you experience delays or interruptions while watching live events? If yes, then optimized HLS streaming can be the solution to your problem. KeyCDN has added a new feature for better HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) with a regular Pull Zone. Optimized HLS streaming comes for free and is available for everyone. It's now even easier to accelerate HLS streams from your origin server.

August 13, 2015 Read more
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