
Insights and advice for improving web performance.

Improving Performance with Cache-Control: immutable

Improving Performance with Cache-Control: immutable

Cache-Control is an important HTTP header that allows you to define various directives letting browsers know how an asset should be cached. For example, if an asset has a large max-age, then the asset can be retrieved from the browser for a long period of time without making a request to the server. This means faster load times for the user. We've covered many of the popular directives you can define for the Cache-Control header, however, in this post we're going to cover a Cache-Control extension called immutable to see what kind of impact it can have on performance.

May 11, 2017 Read more
Benchmarking Guetzli - Comparing Size vs Optimization Time

Benchmarking Guetzli - Comparing Size vs Optimization Time

Images are one of the biggest contributors to web page size. In fact, according to many web performance experts, reducing image sizes should be your number one priority to help improve overall performance. There are various methods you can use to optimize your images such as using lossy vs lossless compression or converting your images to another format like WebP or SVG. Since optimizing images is an important topic in the web performance world, Google recently released a new way to optimize JPEG images, called Guetzli.

April 27, 2017 Read more

Interview with Stefan Judis - Creator of Performance Tooling Today

Stefan Judis is the creator of Performance Tooling Today, a website that is dedicated to the collection of performance-related resources. Stefan is also involved in other performance and frontend related activities as he is the organizer of the Web Performance Group Berlin, is an occasional teacher and organizer of CSSclasses Berlin, and is a Developer Evangelist at Contentful. Today, we interview Stefan and ask him 8 questions all revolving around the topic of either web performance or web development.

April 13, 2017 Read more

KeyCDN Launches Brotli Support

At KeyCDN , we're happy to announce that the next generation of file compression support is here! That's right, as of today (February 16, 2017) the option to enable Brotli support has been rolled out to all KeyCDN customers at no extra cost. For users who want to further compress their files in order to deliver content even faster, Brotli will enable you to do just that. You'll notice that in the KeyCDN dashboard in the Zone settings, there is now a new option called "Cache Brotli".

February 16, 2017 Read more

14 Important Website Performance Metrics You Should Be Analyzing

Creating an optimal user experience for your website's visitors is not an exact science, but paying attention to specific performance metrics can give developers guidance for how to increase their traffic and user retention. Meeting the demands of internet users has never been more challenging. People expect professional graphic design, interactive media and lighting fast load times. Of course, adding more elements to your website increases the likelihood that something will go wrong.

February 2, 2017 Read more

Interview with Roman Novikov - CTO at TemplateMonster

TemplateMonster has been around since 2002 and is now one of the world's most famous template providers. Today we have a special guest. Meet Roman Novikov, Chief of Software Development Department and CTO at TemplateMonster. Roman started programming at the age of 11 when his parents presented him his first computer as a New Year's gift. Since then, he hasn't stopped progressing and developing in this area. In this interview, we ask Roman 10 questions around the topics of web performance, theme development, and more.

January 5, 2017 Read more

PHP 7 vs HHVM - Which One Should You Use?

PHP is still considered the favorite scripting language of many web developers, and its newest version greatly outperforms its predecessor; however, a little virtual tool capable of executing PHP code called HHVM has been turning heads for the last half-decade thanks to its superior performance over PHP 5. Now that PHP 7 has been out for almost a year, why is the PHP 7 vs HHVM debate still ongoing? Most of the discussion surrounding PHP 7 vs HHVM has focused on performance speed, which seems like a straightforward metric, but there are circumstantial factors that need to be taken into account when looking at comparisons between both.

December 15, 2016 Read more

Frontend Optimization - 9 Tips to Improve Web Performance

In today's digital world, there are millions of websites accessed every day for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, many of these websites are clunky and bothersome to use. Poorly optimized websites are plagued with a variety of issues including slow loading times, being non-mobile ready, browser incompatibilities, and so on. This post will go over useful techniques you can use to help improve your frontend optimization. By focusing on clean code, compressing images, minimizing external requests, implementing a CDN, and a few other methods, you can dramatically increase the speed and overall performance of your website.

December 1, 2016 Read more

Running High Traffic Websites - 8 Things to Consider

When your website receives thousands of visitors every day, the underlying infrastructure must be able to support the traffic. High traffic means a large number of simultaneous requests from users expecting fast load times. Delays can cost your visitors, reduce revenue and undermine your reputation. Taking a smart approach to high traffic website maintenance cuts down on the load from a large number of visitors and ensures peak performance from your site.

November 24, 2016 Read more

Latency Optimization - Tips for Optimal Performance

Network and DNS latency play a huge part in determining just how fast your website or application loads. It will always be there to some extent as you can't get past the laws of physics when it comes to delivering content. The further the content has to travel, the greater the latency. However, that doesn't mean there aren't ways to decrease it. In today's post, we want to share with you a few latency optimization tips which will help ensure the fastest load times for your visitors.

October 20, 2016 Read more
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