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Azure CDN

Updated on October 4, 2018
Azure CDN

What is Azure?

Azure is a cloud-based platform created by Microsoft that offers support for many systems, frameworks, languages, etc. This platform allows users to build, deploy, and manage applications and much more, directly through Microsoft's datacenters. With many services available such as:

  • Web hosting
  • Data management
  • Storage management
  • Business analytics
  • Networking

There is an array of possibilities available by using the cloud-based platform. When using the platform for delivering content to users, having the ability to speed up the delivery of said content is important to user experience. Although there are a myriad of ways to help speed up a website, using a CDN is an efficient and cost-effective solution. Implementing an Azure CDN via KeyCDN, helps accelerate your content by caching static assets across strategically placed and optimized edge servers.

Azure CDN alternative

The Azure platform offers the option to use their content deliver network however, KeyCDN can be also be utilized as an Azure alternative to delivering and accelerating the static content of your web project. Performing a KeyCDN Integration with a website's CMS or framework which is hosted on Azure, is done in the same way as a standard CMS or framework integration.

A WordPress website hosted on Azure for example, can activate the WordPress CDN Enabler plugin and define the KeyCDN Zone URL or Zone Alias as outline in the WordPress Integration guide. It is not required to configure any CDN settings in Azure at this point as the static assets are already being pulled from KeyCDN.

It is also possible to reference your files via a KeyCDN Push Zone in the event that you are delivering large files in conjunction with a project hosted on Azure. In this case, once the files are uploaded to the KeyCDN storage cloud, referencing the CDN resource is as simple as including the CDN URL within your project such as

Using an Azure CDN alternative with KeyCDN is as simple as integrating with your CMS or framework as opposed to within the Azure platform. This method is easy to use and due to some of the advantages, may be a an appropriate solution for delivering your static web assets.

Advantages to using a CDN with Azure

Using KeyCDN in conjunction with Azure provides users with many benefits. The largest benefit being the acceleration of content delivery that users experience when accessing a website from various locations across the globe. Additional advantages to using an Azure CDN through KeyCDN includes:

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