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What Is the Preload Directive?

preload offers more control over how particular resources are fetched for the current navigation. This directive can be defined within the <link> element's rel attribute (e.g <link rel="preload">). The preload directive also…

Cloud CDN

What is the cloud? The term "the cloud" is used to describe a network of servers which each have a specific task. These servers can be used for things such as storage or for running an application. The cloud is used by many on a daily basis…

The Growth of Web Page Size

Before we get into the relevance of web page size, we first need to clarify what is meant by web page size in the first place. A typical web page consists of several files, which can contain HTML, Javascript, CSS, image files, and other resources…

Static Site Generator

A static site generator provides the ability to generate a completely static HTML-based site that doesn't require a database or server side processes. Static sites have grown greatly in popularity due to their ability to quickly serve content, their…

CDN Architecture

As today's technological needs evolve with the requirement to deliver various content at high speeds, CDN architecture must be designed to meet those demands. Everything from distributing resource-intensive media files to minimizing the load time for…

X-Forwarded-Host (XFH)

What is X-Forwarded-Host (XFH)? The X-Forwarded-Host HTTP request header is used to forward the original Host HTTP request header value to the origin server. This can be useful in the event that a proxy or CDN rewrites the Host header. According to…

X-Forwarded-For (XFF)

What is X-Forwarded-For? X-Forwarded-For, abbreviated to XFF, is an HTTP request header used to determine the originating IP address of a user connecting to a service through a proxy, load balancer, or CDN. When using services such as a proxy, load…

What Is a CNAME record

A canonical name record (CNAME record for short) is a DNS record that is used to alias a domain name to a different domain name. The domain which is referred to as the canonical name in a CNAME record is the domain on the right-hand side. This domain…

95th Percentile

What is 95th percentile? 95th Percentile is a way of measuring bandwidth usage where the customer is allowed to slightly "burst" over their specified bandwidth threshold. This allows the customer to avoid paying any overuse charges while…

Progressive Images

Delivering content to users as efficiently and quickly as possible greatly influences a website's conversion rates and recurring visits. According to HTTP Archive the average size of a webpage is 2,219 KB with 1,421 KB, or 64%, being attributed to…

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