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IPS CDN Integration

Updated on October 4, 2018
IPS CDN Integration

Formerly known as IPBoard, Invision Power Services (IPS) provides a collection of apps for building online communities. The forum-based platform offers a variety of community applications including but not limited to:

  • Forum
  • Ecommerce
  • Blog
  • Calendar

All applications can work together simultaneously allowing for a more community driven experience. This integration guide will show you how to complete an IPS CDN integration for faster delivery of your static assets such as images, CSS, JS, etc.

How to complete an IPS CDN integration

This tutorial shows how to complete an Invision Power Services CDN integration with KeyCDN.

  1. Create a Pull Zone before you start with the IPS CDN integration.
  2. In your Invision Power Service control panel, navigate to System > Overview > Files > Storage Settings > Configuration.
  3. From here, edit one of your storage methods (in this case the uploads folder will be selected).
  4. Enable the "Use a custom URL" option and enter your CDN URL in the Custom URL field. You can either use your Zone URL (e.g. or use your Zone Alias (e.g.
  5. Save the changes.

That's all. Check the HTML in order to ensure the URLs have been rewritten properly.

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