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Which License Is Right for You?

Updated on November 2, 2021

A purchased Optimus HQ license is valid for one or three years - we have chosen not to use a subscription based model in order to increase flexibility, transparency and the privacy of data. After using the service for one or three years you can (but don't have to) quickly order a new license and start working with it.

Target groups for the available Optimus licenses:

Optimus HQ PRO

The license for professional needs. Service providers and developers get the opportunity to use Optimus for customer projects. Summary: A licenses for an unlimited number of websites from current customer relationships. Practical, straightforward.

Optimus HQ

Affordable, fair license for WordPress users with personal (non-commercial) projects. This includes bloggers, photographers, publishers and magazines. The number of websites is not limited, but they do have to be personal projects. Fair Play!

The plugin developer and maintainer KeyCDN is available to advise you on any of your questions regarding Optimus licenses at any time.

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