
Find answers, guides, and tutorials to optimize your images.

Optimizing Google PageSpeed Insight

Nowadays, web developers are no longer the only users of the Google tool PageSpeed Insights; website owners also like to run their websites through the "validator" in order to get advice on how to improve performance. In this post we would…

Optimize JPEGs in WordPress

During the creation of preview images, WordPress uses a default compression rate of 90 percent to optimize JPEG images - which is referred to as lossy compression. In WordPress 4.5, this number was further decreased to 82% to improve site performance…

WordPress Media Library JPEG Compression

Add the following code in the functions.php to control the JPEG compression level in the WordPress media library: <?php add_filter( 'jpeg_quality', 'adjust_jpeg_quality' ); function adjust_jpeg_quality($quality) { return 100; /* 0 = strong…

Optimizing Images Always Makes Sense

As the developer of Optimus we get the following feedback quite often: "...Optimus HQ only reduces my PNG image sizes by 10-20%. That's nothing..." True, an optimization value in the high double-digits seems solid and impressive (such…

Magic Optimus Column

Since WordPress 4.0 some users cannot find the column with Optimus values. The column can still be found in the media library, but it can only be seen in list view. The grid view (available images are placed next to each other) in the media library…

Which License Is Right for You?

A purchased Optimus HQ license is valid for one or three years - we have chosen not to use a subscription based model in order to increase flexibility, transparency and the privacy of data. After using the service for one or three years you can (but…

Progressive JPEG

Progressive JPEG images are used everywhere these days. Optimus also creates progressive JPEGs as output. But what's the difference between progressive and regular (baseline) JPEGs? Progressive JPEGs vs baseline JPEGs Normally JPEGs will load from…

Configuration to Deliver WebP

WebP is an alternative image format that was developed by Google. WebP images are considerably smaller than JPG and PNG file formats - size reductions of up to 80% are commonly achievable. Read more about the details of WebP here: Convert to WebP -…

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