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Purge CDN Cache

Updated on April 12, 2022

There are two different approaches to purging the CDN cache. It can either be completely purged, which means all assets are removed from the CDN cache. Alternatively, it can be purged by URL, which means an individual asset is removed from the CDN cache. Purging the CDN cache is done in a few seconds globally.

Note: Purging a Push Zone can only be done by URL.

Purge cache

  1. Log in to the KeyCDN dashboard.
  2. In the left navigation sidebar click Zones.
  3. In the Zones table click the Zone menu that you want to purge. From the drop down click Purge.

Purge URL

  1. Log in to the KeyCDN dashboard.
  2. In the left navigation sidebar click Zones.
  3. In the Zones table click the Zone menu that you want to purge. From the drop down click Purge URL.
  4. Enter one URL path per line (e.g. /path/to/example.css).
  5. Click Purge.
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