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SocialEngine CDN Integration

Updated on October 4, 2018

This tutorial shows how to conduct a SocialEngine CDN integration with KeyCDN.

  1. It's recommended to backup your CMS before you start.
  2. Create a Pull Zone before you start with the SocialEngine CDN integration.
  3. Log in to your SocialEngine control panel.
  4. Click on Settings in the top navigation bar and then select General Settings.
  5. Under General Settings enter the CDN URL in the field "Static File Base URL". You can simply copy and paste the Zone URL from the KeyCDN dashboard (e.g. or you can enter a Zone Alias (e.g.
  6. Click Save Settings.

That's all. SocialEngine CDN Integration is done. We recommend to quickly check the HTML code in order to ensure that the URLs have been rewritten correctly.

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