WordPress Cache Enabler Plugin
The WordPress Cache Enabler plugin is a lightweight page caching plugin that creates static HTML files and stores them on your web server. This means that a static HTML file will be delivered whenever possible to provide users with the response data that would otherwise involve the resource intensive process of using the WordPress core, plugins, and database. It supports converting inline image URLs to WebP, creating a separate mobile cache, and pre-compressing cached pages with Brotli or Gzip. This simple, yet powerful plugin is easy to use, needs minimal configuration, and best of all helps improve site load time.
Installation of the WordPress Cache Enabler plugin is easy and can be done in just a few steps:
- Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
- In the left navigation sidebar hover over Plugins and then click Add New.
- Either upload the latest Cache Enabler version in .zip format, which can be directly downloaded here, or search for "Cache Enabler" and click Install Now on the plugin by KeyCDN.
- After the Cache Enabler plugin has been installed activate the plugin.
Cache Enabler will now be successfully installed and activated on your WordPress website. We have built this plugin to work for the majority of WordPress installations right out of the box, which means there are no required configurations or settings to make this plugin start caching your pages. However, you may want to further configure Cache Enabler to fit your needs, which can be done through the plugin settings and/or hooks.
Customizing the Cache Enabler plugin settings can be done by going to the Cache Enabler settings page. This page can be accessed by doing the following:
- Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
- In the left navigation sidebar hover over Settings and then click Cache Enabler.
The Cache Enabler settings page is simple and broken into two parts, Cache Behavior and Cache Exclusions. The Cache Behavior settings control the behavior of page caching, whereas the Cache Exclusions settings controls what pages should bypass the cache.
Name | Type | Description |
cache_enabler_clear_complete_cache | Action | Clear the site cache of a single site or all sites in a multisite network. |
cache_enabler_complete_cache_cleared | Action | Fires after the complete cache has been cleared. |
cache_enabler_clear_site_cache | Action | Clear the site cache for the current site or of a given site. |
cache_enabler_site_cache_cleared | Action | Fires after the site cache has been cleared. |
cache_enabler_clear_page_cache_by_post | Action | Clear the page cache of a given post. |
cache_enabler_clear_page_cache_by_url | Action | Clear the page cache of a given URL. |
cache_enabler_page_cache_cleared | Action | Fires after the page cache has been cleared. |
cache_enabler_clear_expired_cache | Action | Clear the expired cache for the current site or of a given site. |
cache_enabler_user_can_clear_cache | Filter | Filters whether the current user can clear the cache. |
cache_enabler_settings_before_validation | Filter | Filters the plugin settings before being validated and added or maybe updated. |
cache_enabler_exclude_search | Filter | Filters whether search queries should be excluded from the cache. |
cache_enabler_bypass_cache | Filter | Filters whether the cache should be bypassed. |
cache_enabler_page_contents_before_store | Filter | Filters the page contents before a static HTML file is created. |
cache_enabler_mkdir_mode | Filter | Filters the mode assigned to directories on creation. |
cache_enabler_minify_html_ignore_tags | Filter | Filters the HTML tags to ignore during HTML minification. |
cache_enabler_convert_webp_attributes | Filter | Filters the HTML attributes to convert during the WebP conversion. |
cache_enabler_convert_webp_ignore_query_strings | Filter | Filters whether inline image URLs with query strings should be ignored during the WebP conversion. |
cache_enabler_page_contents_after_webp_conversion | Filter | Filters the page contents after the inline image URLs were maybe converted to WebP. |
cache_enabler_page_cache_created | Action | Fires after the page cache has been created. |
#do_action( 'cache_enabler_clear_complete_cache' );
Clear the site cache of a single site or all sites in a multisite network.
File: inc/cache_enabler.class.php
1.6.0 - Introduced.
function clear_cache_enabler_complete_cache() {
do_action( 'cache_enabler_clear_complete_cache' );
#do_action( 'cache_enabler_complete_cache_cleared' );
Fires after the complete cache has been cleared.
File: inc/cache_enabler_disk.class.php
1.6.0 - Introduced.
add_action( 'cache_enabler_complete_cache_cleared', 'on_cache_enabler_complete_cache_cleared' );
function on_cache_enabler_complete_cache_cleared() {
// code...
#do_action( 'cache_enabler_clear_site_cache', WP_Site|int|string $site = null );
Clear the site cache for the current site or of a given site.
(WP_Site|int|string) (Optional) Site instance or site blog ID. Default is the current site.
File: inc/cache_enabler.class.php
1.8.0 - The $site
parameter was added.
1.6.0 - Introduced.
function clear_cache_enabler_site_cache() {
do_action( 'cache_enabler_clear_site_cache' );
#do_action( 'cache_enabler_clear_site_cache_by_blog_id', int $blog_id );
Clear the site cache of a given blog ID.
(int) Site blog ID.
File: inc/cache_enabler.class.php
1.8.0 - Deprecated.
1.6.0 - Introduced.
$blog_id = 1;
function clear_cache_enabler_site_cache_by_blog_id( $blog_id ) {
do_action( 'cache_enabler_clear_site_cache_by_blog_id', $blog_id );
#do_action( 'cache_enabler_site_cache_cleared', string $site_cleared_url, int $site_cleared_id, array[] $cache_cleared_index );
Fires after the site cache has been cleared.
(string) Full URL of the site cleared.
(int) Post ID of the site cleared.
(array[]) Index of the cache cleared.
File: inc/cache_enabler_disk.class.php
1.8.0 - The $cache_cleared_index
parameter was added.
1.6.0 - Introduced.
add_action( 'cache_enabler_site_cache_cleared', 'on_cache_enabler_site_cache_cleared', 10, 3 );
function on_cache_enabler_site_cache_cleared( $site_cleared_url, $site_cleared_id, $cache_cleared_index ) {
// code...
#do_action( 'cache_enabler_clear_page_cache_by_post', WP_Post|int|string $post );
Clear the page cache of a given post.
(WP_Post|int|string) Post instance or post ID.
File: inc/cache_enabler.class.php
1.8.0 - Introduced.
$post = 1;
function clear_cache_enabler_page_cache_by_post( $post ) {
do_action( 'cache_enabler_clear_page_cache_by_post', $post );
#do_action( 'cache_enabler_clear_page_cache_by_post_id', int $post_id );
Clear the page cache of a given post.
(int) Post ID.
File: inc/cache_enabler.class.php
1.8.0 - Deprecated.
1.6.0 - Introduced.
$post_id = 1;
function clear_cache_enabler_page_cache_by_post_id( $post_id ) {
do_action( 'cache_enabler_clear_page_cache_by_post_id', $post_id );
#do_action( 'cache_enabler_clear_page_cache_by_url', string $url );
Clear the page cache of a given URL.
(string) URL to a cached page (with or without scheme, wildcard path, and query string).
File: inc/cache_enabler.class.php
1.6.0 - Introduced.
* The URL being cleared does not require a scheme, so using
* 'www.example.com/blog/' instead will end in the same result. Appending an '*'
* adds wildcard cache clearing. For example, 'www.example.com/blog/*' will clear
* the page and all subpages, whereas 'www.example.com/blog/how-to-*' will only
* clear subpages that begin with 'www.example.com/blog/how-to-'. Cache iterator
* arguments are supported and can be passed through a query string.
$url = 'https://www.example.com/blog/';
function clear_cache_enabler_page_cache_by_url( $url ) {
do_action( 'cache_enabler_clear_page_cache_by_url', $url );
#do_action( 'cache_enabler_page_cache_cleared', string $page_cleared_url, int $page_cleared_id, array[] $cache_cleared_index );
Fires after the page cache has been cleared.
(string) Full URL of the page cleared.
(int) Post ID of the page cleared.
(array[]) Index of the cache cleared.
File: inc/cache_enabler_disk.class.php
1.8.0 - The $cache_cleared_index
parameter was added.
1.6.0 - Introduced.
add_action( 'cache_enabler_page_cache_cleared', 'on_cache_enabler_page_cache_cleared', 10, 3 );
function on_cache_enabler_page_cache_cleared( $page_cleared_url, $page_cleared_id, $cache_cleared_index ) {
// code...
#do_action( 'cache_enabler_clear_expired_cache', WP_Site|int|string $site = null );
Clear the expired cache for the current site or of a given site.
(WP_Site|int|string) (Optional) Site instance or site blog ID. Default is the current site.
File: inc/cache_enabler.class.php
1.8.0 - Introduced.
function clear_cache_enabler_expired_cache() {
do_action( 'cache_enabler_clear_expired_cache' );
#apply_filters( 'cache_enabler_user_can_clear_cache', bool $can_clear_cache = current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) );
Filters whether the current user can clear the cache.
(bool) Whether the current user can clear the cache. Default is whether the current user has the 'manage_options' capability.
File: inc/cache_enabler.class.php
1.6.0 - Introduced.
add_filter( 'cache_enabler_user_can_clear_cache', 'current_user_can_edit_posts' );
function current_user_can_edit_posts() {
return current_user_can( 'edit_posts' );
#apply_filters( 'cache_enabler_settings_before_validation', array $settings );
Filters the plugin settings before being validated and added or maybe updated.
This can be an empty array or not contain all plugin settings. It will depend on if the plugin was just installed, the plugin version being upgraded from, or the form submitted in the plugin settings page. The plugin system settings are protected and cannot be overwritten.
(array) Plugin settings.
File: inc/cache_enabler.class.php
1.8.6 - Introduced.
add_filter( 'cache_enabler_settings_before_validation', 'filter_cache_enabler_settings_before_validation' );
function filter_cache_enabler_settings_before_validation( $settings ) {
$forced_settings = array(
'convert_image_urls_to_webp' => 1,
'compress_cache' => 1,
'minify_html' => 1,
'minify_inline_css_js' => 1,
$settings = wp_parse_args( $forced_settings, $settings );
return $settings;
#apply_filters( 'cache_enabler_exclude_search', bool $exclude_search = is_search() );
Filters whether search queries should be excluded from the cache.
This requires pretty search URLs. For example, https://example.com/search/query/
instead of https://example.com/?s=query
. The search cache will not be automatically cleared.
(bool) True if search queries should be excluded from the cache, false if not. Default is the value returned by is_search()
File: inc/cache_enabler_engine.class.php
1.6.0 - Introduced.
add_filter( 'cache_enabler_exclude_search', '__return_false' );
#apply_filters( 'cache_enabler_bypass_cache', bool $bypass_cache = Cache_Enabler_Engine::is_excluded() );
Filters whether the cache should be bypassed.
(bool) True if the cache should be bypassed, false if not. Default is the value returned by Cache_Enabler_Engine::is_excluded()
File: inc/cache_enabler_engine.class.php
1.8.0 - The default value for $bypass_cache
was updated.
1.6.0 - Introduced.
add_filter( 'cache_enabler_bypass_cache', 'filter_cache_enabler_bypass_cache' );
function filter_cache_enabler_bypass_cache( $bypass_cache ) {
$post_type = get_post_type();
if ( $post_type === 'custom_post_type' ) {
$bypass_cache = true;
return $bypass_cache;
#apply_filters( 'cache_enabler_page_contents_before_store', string $page_contents );
Filters the page contents before a static HTML file is created.
(string) Page contents from the cache engine as raw HTML.
File: inc/cache_enabler_disk.class.php
1.6.0 - Introduced.
add_filter( 'cache_enabler_page_contents_before_store', 'filter_cache_enabler_page_contents_before_store' );
function filter_cache_enabler_page_contents_before_store( $page_contents ) {
// code...
#apply_filters( 'cache_enabler_mkdir_mode', int $mode = 0755 );
Filters the mode assigned to directories on creation.
(int) Mode that defines the access permissions for the created directory. The mode must be an octal number, which means it should have a leading zero. Default is 0755
File: inc/cache_enabler_disk.class.php
1.7.2 - Introduced.
add_filter( 'cache_enabler_mkdir_mode', 'filter_cache_enabler_mkdir_mode' );
function filter_cache_enabler_mkdir_mode( $mode ) {
return 0775;
#apply_filters( 'cache_enabler_minify_html_ignore_tags', string[] $ignore_tags = array( 'textarea', 'pre', 'code' ) );
Filters the HTML tags to ignore during HTML minification.
(string[]) The names of HTML tags to ignore. Default are textarea
, pre
, and code
File: inc/cache_enabler_disk.class.php
1.6.0 - Introduced.
add_filter( 'cache_enabler_minify_html_ignore_tags', 'filter_cache_enabler_minify_html_ignore_tags' );
function filter_cache_enabler_minify_html_ignore_tags( $ignore_tags ) {
$ignore_tags[] = 'canvas'; // Also ignore the HTML <canvas> element.
return $ignore_tags;
#apply_filters( 'cache_enabler_convert_webp_attributes', string[] $attributes = array( 'src', 'srcset', 'data-[^=]+' ) );
Filters the HTML attributes to convert during the WebP conversion.
(string[]) HTML attributes to convert during the WebP conversion. Default are src
, srcset
, and data-*
File: inc/cache_enabler_disk.class.php
1.6.1 - Introduced.
add_filter( 'cache_enabler_convert_webp_attributes', 'filter_cache_enabler_convert_webp_attributes' );
function filter_cache_enabler_convert_webp_attributes( $attributes ) {
$attributes[] = 'href'; // Also convert href attributes.
return $attributes;
#apply_filters( 'cache_enabler_convert_webp_ignore_query_strings', bool $ignore_query_strings = true );
Filters whether inline image URLs with query strings should be ignored during the WebP conversion.
(bool) True if inline image URLs with query strings should be ignored during the WebP conversion, false if not. Default true.
File: inc/cache_enabler_disk.class.php
1.6.1 - Introduced.
add_filter( 'cache_enabler_convert_webp_ignore_query_strings', '__return_false' );
#apply_filters( 'cache_enabler_page_contents_after_webp_conversion', string $page_contents );
Filters the page contents after the inline image URLs were maybe converted to WebP.
(string) Page contents from the cache engine as raw HTML.
File: inc/cache_enabler_disk.class.php
1.6.0 - Introduced.
add_filter( 'cache_enabler_page_contents_after_webp_conversion', 'filter_cache_enabler_page_contents_after_webp_conversion' );
function filter_cache_enabler_page_contents_after_webp_conversion( $page_contents ) {
// code...
#apply_filters( 'cache_enabler_page_cache_created', string $page_created_url, int $page_created_id, array[] $cache_created_index );
Fires after the page cache has been created.
(string) Full URL of the page created.
(int) Post ID of the page created.
(array[]) Index of the cache created.
File: inc/cache_enabler_disk.class.php
1.8.0 - Introduced.
add_action( 'cache_enabler_page_cache_created', 'on_cache_enabler_page_cache_created', 10, 3 );
function on_cache_enabler_page_cache_created( $page_created_url, $page_created_id, $cache_created_index ) {
// code...
Interact with Cache Enabler from the command line by either clearing the cache or updating the settings. This can be done through WP-CLI with the cache-enabler
and option
#Clear the cache with the cache-enabler
command and clear
Clear the cache of a given post ID. Separate multiple IDs with commas.
Clear the cache of a given URL. The URL can be with or without a scheme, wildcard path, and query string. Separate multiple URLs with commas.
Clear the cache of a given blog ID. Separate multiple blog IDs with commas.
# Clear all pages cache.
$ wp cache-enabler clear
# Clear the page cache of post IDs 1, 2, and 3.
$ wp cache-enabler clear --ids=1,2,3
# Clear the page cache of https://www.example.com/about-us/.
$ wp cache-enabler clear --urls=www.example.com/about-us/
# Clear the page cache of any URL that starts with https://www.example.com/blog/how-to-.
$ wp cache-enabler clear --urls=www.example.com/blog/how-to-*
Success: Page cache cleared.
# Clear the page cache of https://www.example.com/blog/ and all of its subpages.
$ wp cache-enabler clear --urls=www.example.com/blog/*
Success: Page cache cleared.
# Clear the page cache of sites with blog IDs 1, 2, and 3.
$ wp cache-enabler clear --sites=1,2,3
Success: Sites cache cleared.
#Update the settings with the option
command and update
Parameter | Description | Value |
version | Plugin version. | string |
use_trailing_slashes | Whether the permalink structure has a trailing slash set. | 0 or 1 int |
permalink_structure deprecated | Whether the permalink structure has a trailing slash set. | has_trailing_slash , no_trailing_slash , or plain string |
cache_expires | Whether the cached pages expire. | 0 or 1 int |
cache_expiry_time | Cache expiry measured in hours. | int |
clear_site_cache_on_saved_post | Clear the site cache if any post type has been published, updated, or trashed (instead of the post cache). | 0 or 1 int |
clear_site_cache_on_saved_comment | Clear the site cache if a comment has been posted, updated, spammed, or trashed (instead of the comment cache). | 0 or 1 int |
clear_site_cache_on_saved_term | Clear the site cache if a term has been added, updated, or deleted (instead of the term cache). | 0 or 1 int |
clear_site_cache_on_saved_user | Clear the site cache if a user has been added, updated, or deleted (instead of the user cache). | 0 or 1 int |
clear_site_cache_on_changed_plugin | Clear the site cache if a plugin has been activated or deactivated. | 0 or 1 int |
convert_image_urls_to_webp | Create a cached version for WebP support. Convert your images to WebP with Optimus. | 0 or 1 int |
mobile_cache | Create a cached version for mobile devices. | 0 or 1 int |
compress_cache | Create a cached version pre-compressed with Brotli (if supported) or Gzip. | 0 or 1 int |
minify_html | Minify HTML in cached pages. | 0 or 1 int |
minify_inline_css_js | Minify inline CSS and JavaScript when minifying HTML. | 0 or 1 int |
excluded_post_ids | Post IDs separated by a , that should bypass the cache. | string |
excluded_page_paths | A regex matching page paths that should bypass the cache. | string |
excluded_query_strings | A regex matching query strings that should bypass the cache. | string |
excluded_cookies | A regex matching cookies that should bypass the cache. | string |
# Enable WebP and Gzip/Brotli versions with full HTML minification.
$ wp option update cache_enabler \
"version": "1.8.0",
"use_trailing_slashes": 1,
"permalink_structure": "has_trailing_slash",
"cache_expires": 0,
"cache_expiry_time": 0,
"clear_site_cache_on_saved_post": 0,
"clear_site_cache_on_saved_comment": 0,
"clear_site_cache_on_saved_term": 0,
"clear_site_cache_on_saved_user": 0,
"clear_site_cache_on_changed_plugin": 0,
"convert_image_urls_to_webp": 1,
"mobile_cache": 0,
"compress_cache": 1,
"minify_html": 1,
"minify_inline_css_js": 1,
"excluded_post_ids": "",
"excluded_page_paths": "",
"excluded_query_strings": "",
"excluded_cookies": ""
}' \
Advanced configuration#
A more advanced configuration can be implemented to bypass PHP entirely for even faster delivery of cached pages. The following configuration snippets can be implemented on Apache or Nginx servers. The advanced configuration snippets should only be used by those who are experienced in modifying server configuration files. Furthermore, the default Cache Enabler setup should satisfy the majority of use-cases.
Add the following snippet before the # BEGIN WordPress
section in your .htaccess
file if you are using Apache 2.3.9 or later. Uncomment any cache keys that you need to use based on your Cache Enabler settings.
If you have installed WordPress in a subdirectory the CE_CACHE_DIR
variable needs to be adjusted accordingly. For example, http://www.example.com/blog
would require a change from CE_CACHE_DIR=/wp-content/cache/cache-enabler
to CE_CACHE_DIR=/blog/wp-content/cache/cache-enabler
# BEGIN Cache Enabler
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
<IfModule mod_setenvif.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
# cache directory
SetEnvIf Host ^ CE_CACHE_DIR=/wp-content/cache/cache-enabler
# default cache keys
SetEnvIf Host ^ CE_CACHE_KEY_SCHEME http-
# scheme cache key
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} ^(on|1)$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} =443 [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} =https [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Scheme} =https
RewriteRule ^ - [E=CE_CACHE_KEY_SCHEME:https-]
# device cache key
# SetEnvIf User-Agent "(Mobile|Android|Silk/|Kindle|BlackBerry|Opera Mini|Opera Mobi)" CE_CACHE_KEY_DEVICE=-mobile
# webp cache key
# SetEnvIf Accept image/webp CE_CACHE_KEY_WEBP=-webp
# compression cache key
# <IfModule mod_mime.c>
# SetEnvIf Accept-Encoding gzip CE_CACHE_KEY_COMPRESSION=.gz
# AddType text/html .gz
# AddEncoding gzip .gz
# </IfModule>
# get cache file
# check if cache file exists
# check request method
# check permalink structure has trailing slash
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /[^\./\?]+(\?.*)?$
# check permalink structure has no trailing slash
# RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /[^\./\?]+/(\?.*)?$
# check excluded query strings
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !^(?!(fbclid|ref|mc_(cid|eid)|utm_(source|medium|campaign|term|content|expid)|gclid|fb_(action_ids|action_types|source)|age-verified|usqp|cn-reloaded|_ga|_ke)).+$
# check excluded cookies
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !(wp-postpass|wordpress_logged_in|comment_author)_
# deliver cache file
RewriteRule ^ %{ENV:CE_CACHE_FILE} [L]
# END Cache Enabler
Add the following snippet to your Nginx configuration file. Uncomment any cache keys that you need to use based on your Cache Enabler settings.
If you have installed WordPress in a subdirectory the $ce_cache_dir
variable needs to be adjusted accordingly. For example, http://www.example.com/blog
would require a change from /wp-content/cache/cache-enabler
to /blog/wp-content/cache/cache-enabler
. Further, using a subdirectory may also require that the location block be updated to contain the subdirectory.
server {
# cache directory
set $ce_cache_dir '/wp-content/cache/cache-enabler';
# default cache keys
set $ce_cache_key_scheme 'http-';
set $ce_cache_key_device '';
set $ce_cache_key_webp '';
set $ce_cache_key_compression '';
# scheme cache key
if ( $scheme = https ) {
set $ce_cache_key_scheme 'https-';
# if ( $server_port = 443 ) {
# set $ce_cache_key_scheme 'https-';
# }
# if ( $http_x_forwarded_proto = https ) {
# set $ce_cache_key_scheme 'https-';
# }
# if ( $http_x_forwarded_scheme = https ) {
# set $ce_cache_key_scheme 'https-';
# }
# device cache key
# if ( $http_user_agent ~ '(Mobile|Android|Silk/|Kindle|BlackBerry|Opera Mini|Opera Mobi)' ) {
# set $ce_cache_key_device '-mobile';
# }
# webp cache key
# if ( $http_accept ~ image/webp ) {
# set $ce_cache_key_webp '-webp';
# }
# compression cache key
# if ( $http_accept_encoding ~ gzip ) {
# set $ce_cache_key_compression '.gz';
# }
# get cache file
set $ce_cache_file_dir ${ce_cache_dir}/${http_host}${request_uri};
set $ce_cache_file_name ${ce_cache_key_scheme}index${ce_cache_key_device}${ce_cache_key_webp}.html${ce_cache_key_compression};
set $ce_cache_file ${ce_cache_file_dir}/${ce_cache_file_name};
location / {
error_page 405 = @fallback;
recursive_error_pages on;
# check request method
if ( $request_method != GET ) {
return 405;
# check permalink structure has trailing slash
if ( $request_uri !~ /[^\./\?]+(\?.*)?$ ) {
return 405;
# check permalink structure has no trailing slash
# if ( $request_uri !~ /[^\./\?]+/(\?.*)?$ ) {
# return 405;
# }
# check excluded query strings
if ( $query_string ~ ^(?!(fbclid|ref|mc_(cid|eid)|utm_(source|medium|campaign|term|content|expid)|gclid|fb_(action_ids|action_types|source)|age-verified|usqp|cn-reloaded|_ga|_ke)).+$ ) {
return 405;
# check excluded cookies
if ( $http_cookie ~ (wp-postpass|wordpress_logged_in|comment_author)_ ) {
return 405;
# deliver cache file if it exists
try_files $ce_cache_file @fallback;
location @fallback {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
Find answers to commonly asked questions about Cache Enabler. Still have questions? Open a new topic in the WordPress Support Forums and we would be happy to help.
How can I check if Cache Enabler is working on my site?#
You can quickly verify that the Cache Enabler is delivering a cached version of a specific page by logging out of your WordPress installation and checking the bottom of your page source for the Cache Enabler HTML comment, for example:
<!-- Cache Enabler by KeyCDN @ Wed, 24 Mar 2021 00:00:00 GMT (https-index-webp.html.gz) -->
Alternatively, if the advanced configuration is not used check the response headers of the HTML page for X-Cache-Handler: cache-enabler-engine
What is performed when Cache Enabler is activated?#
Upon activation, Cache Enabler will first setup the backend by adding or updating the database. Next, it will create the advanced-cache.php
file to drop in the wp-content
directory. As of version 1.8.0, this file is based on the wp-content/plugins/cache-enabler/advanced-cache.php
file. Lastly, it will add the following snippet to the wp-config.php
file if the WP_CACHE
constant is not found and the installation is using the default config file:
/** Enables page caching for Cache Enabler. */
if ( ! defined( 'WP_CACHE' ) ) {
define( 'WP_CACHE', true );
drop-in and the WP_CACHE
constant defined as a truthy value in order to cache and deliver pages.What is performed when Cache Enabler is deactivated?#
Upon deactivation, Cache Enabler deletes the settings and advanced-cache.php
files and then maybe unsets the WP_CACHE
constant in the wp-config.php
file. The site cache is then cleared and the WP-Cron events unscheduled.
What is performed when Cache Enabler is uninstalled?#
Upon uninstallation, Cache Enabler will delete the single database option that was added or updated during the initial plugin activation along with any transients.
What happens when any post type is published, updated, or trashed?#
By default, when any post type is published, updated, or trashed the post cache will be cleared. This will be the page itself, including the pagination if applicable, and any other related pages, such as archive pages (e.g. post type, terms, author, and date). This ensures pages that will contain the new page or pages that already contain an existing page are cleared. The ability to clear the site cache instead is possible through the available Cache Enabler clearing setting.
Can I clear the cache of a specific page?#
Yes. You can clear the cache of a specific page by going to that page and clicking the "Clear Page Cache" button in the WordPress admin bar.
How does the WebP cached version work?#
Cache Enabler parses the page contents and replaces inline image URLs with the WebP formatted image if it exists. This will work for images with the extension replaced, such as example.webp
, or images with the extension appended, such as example.jpg.webp
. This page is then cached separately and is delivered when accepted and the cached page with the default format(s) will be delivered when not.
How can I convert my images to WebP?#
To convert your images to WebP, use the Cache Enabler plugin in conjunction with the Optimus image optimizer plugin.
How do I use Cache Enabler on a multisite network?#
Using the Cache Enabler plugin on a multisite network is quite straightforward. Once the plugin is installed you can either network activate it and it will start working for each site in the network, or you can activate Cache Enabler on each site individually that you want it running on. The cache and settings are configured to work individually for each site. Therefore, you can clear the cache on site 1, while site 2 and 3 will retain their cache.
Network settings are not currently available but we intend on introducing this in future (#123).
Does Cache Enabler work with default permalinks?#
No. Cache Enabler does not work with default permalinks.
Does Cache Enabler cache query strings?#
No. Cache Enabler does not currently cache query strings as a separate version.
Does Cache Enabler work with mobile themes if the desktop and mobile versions are different?#
Yes. Cache Enabler has the ability to create a separate mobile cache.
Will cached page expiration still work if the advanced configuration is used?#
Yes. As of version 1.8.0, Cache Enabler will automatically schedule an hourly WP-Cron event that clears the expired cache.
How can I verify if the advanced configuration is bypassing PHP?#
By adding the advanced configuration snippet to your server you have the ability to bypass PHP in order to retrieve the static HTML file that was created by the WordPress Cache Enabler plugin. In order to ensure that you are in fact bypassing PHP after you've added the snippet, open up your developer tools, navigate to the Network panel and select the HTML file of your page.
If you've added the advanced configuration snippet successfully, the X-Cache-Handler: cache-enabler-engine
response header will no longer be set, which means the Cache Enabler engine, which is powered by PHP, is no longer handling the delivery. If this response header is not present and the Cache Enabler HTML comment is still in the page source then your advanced configuration is properly implemented.
How can a cached version be pre-compressed with Brotli?#
All WordPress installations have the ability to pre-compress cached pages with Gzip because it is a native compression module included in PHP. The same can't be said for Brotli. To have this functionality in Cache Enabler the Brotli Extension for PHP is required and the site must be delivered through HTTPS (because Brotli requires HTTPS). Once this extension has been added and a page is requested through HTTPS, Cache Enabler will be able to create a cached version pre-compressed with Brotli. This compression method takes precedence over Gzip if both are accepted by the client.