
Find answers, guides, and tutorials to supercharge your content delivery.

Zone Settings

KeyCDN's Zones come with a number of configurable Zone settings. Here is a list and description of the CDN features for both Push and Pull Zones: Image Processing Image Processing transforms and optimizes images with simple URL parameters. Force…

Pull Zone Settings

Here is a list and description of the CDN features that are Pull Zone specific: Origin Shield Predefined shield servers, instead of our edge servers, will pull the content from your origin server if enabled. This will reduce the traffic on your…

Create a Pull Zone

To set up a KeyCDN Pull Zone, follow the steps outlined below: Log in to the KeyCDN dashboard. In the left navigation sidebar click Zones. Click Add Zone. Set the Zone Type as pull. Define the Origin URL (e.g. Click…

Create a Push Zone

A KeyCDN Push Zone allows you to upload your data to our storage cluster. This is recommended for files greater than 10 MB in size and is required for files larger than 100 MB because Pull Zones do not cache anything larger than 100 MB. To set up a…

Upload Data to a Push Zone

There are a couple of ways to upload data to a KeyCDN Push Zone. This guide walks through how to upload data to our CDN storage cloud through FTP(S) and rsync over SSH. A Push Zone should be used for larger files (> 10 MB), which do not change…

Create a Zone Alias

The Zone Alias configuration always requires a CNAME record to be added in your DNS in addition to adding the Zone Alias in the KeyCDN dashboard. The Zone Alias grants access to your Zone by activating the specified domain on our network. The CNAME…

Purge CDN Cache

There are two different approaches to purging the CDN cache. It can either be completely purged, which means all assets are removed from the CDN cache. Alternatively, it can be purged by URL, which means an individual asset is removed from the CDN…

Image Processing

Our powerful real-time Image Processing feature transforms and optimizes your images with simple query parameters. Your image management workflow defines the user experience by transforming and optimizing the image delivery for any browser. Process…

Create a Zone Referrer (Hotlink Protection)

Zone Referrers allow you to restrict HTTP referrers in order to prevent your content from being embedded on other websites. This feature is also known as hotlink protection. Hotlink protection will save you bandwidth by prohibiting other sites from…

Push Zone Settings

Here is a list and description of the CDN features that are Push Zone specific: Directory Listing Generates directory indexes, automatically, similar to the Unix ls command or the Win32 dir shell command. It is recommended to disable this feature…

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